Tablet Bidding & Fundraising Leaderboards
Maximise the money raised at your fundraising event with bespoke auction technology and dynamic bidding leaderboards. However you wish your event to run, we’re here to facilitate every stage with tablet auction bidding, dynamic bidding leaderboards, iPad bidding and much more.
Market-leading auction technology
Our market-leading auction technology makes it easy to track the bids made at your charity auction. We tailor our bespoke technology to tie in with your unique fundraising campaign, taking the funds you raise to the next level.
By having guests engage with state-of-the-art tablets and various implemented bidding modes, they can see their name up in lights on leaderboards, driving excitement and competition. The technology we provide and manage on the day includes tablet bidding, mobile bidding and auction leaderboards, but chat to our team to find out what we can do for you.